It should work through out full flight.yes? I hope these questions will direct me to the desicion of buying, FSPassengers.:). Do you have to install it onto aircrafts or no?6. Will it work with all types of aircraft?5. Overall is it a good use of money to spend? Do the cabin announcements work automatically when you start flight?3. Can you get a refund for it if you dont like it/doesnt work?2. I DO have enough money for it.and my mom hasnt let me get it yet.I have some questions, Paul.1. I'd be surprised if he had, given the dismissive tone of his post.What you say about FSPassengers is really convincing me to get it.Only if it was cheaper. I'd guess that XPAX has about 20% of what FSPAX offers.I've seen very few negative reviews of FSPAX - to the point I have to ask Hirgab whether he's seriously used it at all. The difference is night and day.If you want every flight monitored for passenger comfort, landing/takeoff smoothness, with special effects like flap breakage if you deploy too quickly, tyre explosions if you land too hard, with business models that let your company expand and buy new planes, or simply concentrate on a pilot career, with in-flight movies/music/food/drink to manage, crew announcements etc. Have to disagree with Hirgab.FS Passengers (FSPAX) is one of the best addons for FSX, especially if you like the big jets.Search here for some of the details, but frankly comparing it to XPAX is like comparing the PMDG 747 to the default FSX 747. I'd be surprised if he had, given the dismissive tone of his post. Screenshots: The FsPassengers flight starts with the loading of your aircraft, which brings you to the first unique feature of FsP: the aircraft payload dialog that allows you to load and set your aircraft.

FsPassengers also contains a lot of unique features never seen in FSX or Prepar3D.

Click here to Download FsPassengers 2004 for Fs9 26Mb version 7 january 2011. For Flight Simulator X version: Steam, Acceleration, SP2. If you like it, simply purchase an unlock code. Download and Try FsPassengers for FREE! Cygwin windows is searching for mintty missing.